The detached workplace of the IMIC CAS at the chateau in Nové Hrady has been intended from the beginning not only as a place for research, but also as a training scientific workplace. Our workplace closely cooperates with the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Princeton University, Johannes Kepler University in Linz and other foreign universities, where it also participates in study programs. We organize symposia, conferences, workshops and a number of courses, seminars, external meetings and educational events, such as the International Summer School of Molecular Biophysics and Systems Biology and FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) courses, the Visegrad Conference and EMBO courses.

The laboratory is engaged in the research at the field of structural and systems biology. The research group at the Nové Hrady chateau achieve excellent scientific results and publish in very prestigious professional journals, such as Nature, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Nature Methods and Science Signaling. The chateau in Nové Hrady as a scientific workplace is regularly visited by foreign scientists and participants in international conferences and internships.
The part of the detached workplace is also the conference center. The conferenc center is suitable for organizing conferences, field meetings, congresses, trainings, seminars, workshops and other events. Since its opening in 2001, many successful domestic and international conferences have taken place here. The chateau offers accommodation for the general public directly in the attractive surroundings of the Nové Hrady Empire chateau in southern Bohemia. We have 17 renovated hotel rooms, with bathroom and internet connection. The total capacity of the hotel rooms is 42 beds plus a luxury apartment. The conference center also provides facilities for organizing various cultural, social or educational activities. Around the castle is a large park with a pond, which invites you for walking.