Postdoctoral position
Job description:
The job involves the use of computational methods, combined bioinformatics and molecular dynamics approach on translocation systems. This project will contribute to the understanding of different aspects of structure and function of cation translocation systems. These systems are either interconnected in function or structurally related. Studied systems will include non-selective cation channels as well as potassium- or calcium selective translocation systems. The study shall also contributes to a clearer understanding of he evolutionary relationship between the different groups of cation translocation systems and the the results will deepen the theoretical
understanding of mechanisms behind cation translocation provided by these systems.
The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics. The applicant should also have solid experience with computational modeling of biomolecules and an overall strong motivation. The ability to work independently as well as to collaborate with an extended team of theoreticians and experimentalists is also crucial.
Applicants should send an e-mail containing their CV, motivation letter, brief summary of previous research, list of publications and names plus e-mail addresses of 2 references.
Email: ettrich@nh.cas.cz
Web: http://nh.cas.cz/index.php?node=691
Prof. RNDr. Rudiger Ettrich, PhD.
Center for Nanobiology and Structural Biology
Institute of Microbiology
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Zamek 136
37333 Nove Hrady
Czech Republic
Selected publications of our group related to the research topic:
Isabella Derler, Isaac Jardin, Peter B Stathopulos, Martin Muik, Marc Fahrner, Vaselina Zayats, Saurabh Pandey, Michael Poteser, Barbara Lackner, Marketa Absolonova, Klaus Groschner, Rüdiger Ettrich, Mitsu Ikura, Christoph Romanin (2016) Cholesterol binding modulates Orai1 channel function Science Signaling 9 (412): ra10. Jan 26.
Irene Frischauf, Vasilina Zayats, Michael Deix, Anna Hochreiter, Isaac Jardin Polo, Martin Muik, Barbara Lackner, Barbora Svobodova, Teresa Pammer, Monika Litvinukova, Amrutha Arumbakam Sridhar, Isabella Derler, Ivan Bogeski, Christoph Romanin, Rüdiger Ettrich, Rainer Schindl (2015) A calcium accumulating region, CAR, in the Orai1 channel enhances Ca2+- permeation and SOCE-induced gene transcription Science Signaling 8 (408): ra131. Dec 22.
Vasilina Zayats, Thomas Stockner, Saurabh K Pandey, Katharina Wörz, Rüdiger Ettrich, Jost Ludwig (2015) A refined atomic scale model of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae K+-translocation protein Trk1p combined with experimental evidence confirms the role of selectivity filter glycines and other key residues. BBA-Biomembranes 1848 (5): 1183-1195.
Vasilina Zayats, Abdul Samad, Babak Minofar, Katherine Roelofs, Thomas Stockner, Rudiger Ettrich (2013) Regulation of the transient receptor potential channel TRPA1 by its N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain Journal of Molecular Modeling 19: 4689–4700.
Daniel Rozbeský, Žofie Sovová, Julien Marcoux, Petr Man, Rüdiger Ettrich, Carol V Robinson, Petr Novák (2013) Structural model of lymphocyte receptor NKR-P1C revealed by mass spectrometry and molecular modelling Analytical Chemistry 85: 3. 1597–1604.
Azadeh Nikouee, Morteza Khabiri, Stephan Grissmer, Rüdiger Ettrich (2012) Charybdotoxin and margatoxin acting on the human voltage-gated potassium channel hKv1.3 and its H399N mutant: An experimental and computational comparison Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (17): 5132-5140.
Morteza Khabiri, Azadeh Nikouee, Lukasz Cwiklik, Stephan Grissmer, Rüdiger Ettrich (2011) Charybdotoxin unbinding from the mKv1.3 potassium channel: A combined computational and experimental study Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115: 39. 11490–11500.