Research assistant position
Czech Academy of Sciences, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic A research assistant position is available from 1st of October 2016 in the group of Jost Ludwig at the Center for Nanobiology and Structural Biology, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic.
The job involves the setup of an electrophysiological system for non invasive (ion-) flux measurements across cell membranes and complex structures. Within CAC-SuMeR such structures, i.e., biofluidic structures carrying different cells on an artificial support will be generated. The successful applicant will use MIFE to analyze fluxes of K+, Na+ and H+ as well as of glucose, oxygen and carbon-dioxide across theses structures. The studies will contribute to the development of a blood vessel model system that then shall allow analysing its reactions to different physiological conditions and to get insight in plaque development (sclerosis).
The applicant must hold a master degree in a (medical) engineering related subject or biophysics with emphasis on electrophysiology. Expertise in setting up complex medical and/or biophysical measurement systems is advantageous. The applicant should also have solid knowledge on electrophysiology and an overall strong motivation. The ability to work independently as well as to collaborate with an interdisciplinary international team is crucial.
Applicants should send an e-mail containing their CV, motivation letter, brief summary of previous research, list of publications (if applicable) and names plus e-mail addresses of 2 references.
Email: jost.ludwig@nh.cas.cz Web: http://nh.cas.cz/index.php?node=783
Jost Ludwig Center for Nanobiology and Structural Biology Institute of Microbiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Zamek 136 37333 Nove Hrady Czech Republic